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Seven Ideas to Change Education

5 min readJan 15, 2022


COVID-19 showed the nation the underbelly of education. We all witnessed how bulky, inflexible, and antiquated the educational system could be as we watched district after district figure out how to pivot to serve children. But, unfortunately, after two years of COVID-centric evolution, we’ve only scratched the surface of change.

We can change all the systems and standards that we want to, but until we profoundly address the human interaction part of our industry, it will prove challenging to transform education. I have seven ideas that we must explore to transform the industry:

  • Pacing Professional Implementation. Too often, the industry asks professional educators to learn too many initiatives at one time. Interacting with various platforms to do the job efficiently is complex. Professional developments to teach users to interface with a new platform are often delivered in haste, ignoring the needs of various learners in the room. We constantly expose educators to shallow lessons that generate more anxiety than agency around things prescribed as a part of their job performance. We should not bombard professional educators with information, expect them to work a rigid 10–12 hour schedule each day, and subsequently, expect them to exhaust their boundaries to take in information to keep up. According to neuroscientists at Inserm, the brain can not effectively take…




Dr. Neely is a K12 school leader whose mission is to magnify all components that work together to improve school culture.